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Useful websites and leaflets for more information


This link to the Parents Centre website gives some really good ideas about how you can enjoy sharing books with your child and tells you a bit more about phonics.

This link gives ideas about how to help your child as they are learning to read. A website for you and your child to explore together – it will give you some ideas about reading with your child and has online games for young children to play, both with you and on their own. It also has ideas for games to play away from the computer. This website provides information about the national Bookstart scheme and the Bookstart packs that your child will receive as a baby, a toddler and at age three to four. It also gives information about sharing books with your child. You can find out about Bookstart events in your area, which you can attend with your child.


You can get ‘Learning Together’ leaflets – ‘The road to reading’ and ‘Making their mark – children’s early writing’ (and other leaflets covering a range of topics) from Early Education, 136 Cavell Street, London, E1 2JA, telephone 020 7539 5400. You can also download them from the website This website provides lots of information for parents and carers of babies and young children, and suggestions of activities, features, DVDs, books and events that are both useful and fun. You can have their free newsletter emailed to you directly. The Family Reading Campaign website provides a wealth of information to support you and your family. The Family Reading Campaign works to encourage reading in the home. It also offers many links to further websites. 



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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