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Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching tells us how our Catholic faith guides our actions. 


It comes from scripture; letters written by popes and holy people; and the examples set by Christians through history.


Jesus tells us to love God and to love our neighbour… every neighbour!  


By living out Catholic Social Teaching we can build a world of justice, love and peace, where everyone has what they need. 


Pope Francis says “Each of us has a part to play,”


  • Human Dignity - Everyone is special
  • The Common Good - Thinking of everyone
  • Stewardship - Caring for God's gifts
  • Participation - Taking part
  • Solidarity - Showing we care
  • Promoting Peace - Being peacemakers
  • Subsidiarity - Everyone should have a say
  • Distributive Justice - Sharing fairly
  • Preferential Option for the Poor - Putting people most in need first


Why is Catholic Social Teaching important to our children?

Macmillan Coffee Morning 2024 - Our Mini Vinnies hosted a wonderful coffee morning to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. They decided which Catholic Social Teaching Values they had lived out.

School Council 2024-2025 - Each class voted for their School Council representatives. They will help to communicate their classes' ideas to the staff, governors and visitors to the school ensuring that our children's ideas and opinions are valued, as well as, supporting the school with organising charitable events Subsidiarity - Everyone should have a say, Participation - Taking part

Head Boy and Head Girl - The whole school voted for the new Head Boy and Head Girl for 2024-2025. At St Oswald's everyone's vote and opinion is valued - Subsidiarity - Everyone should have a say

FairTrade Fortnight 2024 - Stewardship - Caring for God's gifts

Faith in Action Award: Final Artwork

YMT Festival- Right Here, Right Now

Year 6 continued to put their faith into action at the YMT festival, celebrating their journey this year and how the same Holy Spirit that guided Moses, is guiding them today, Right Here, Right Now.

World Refugee Week 2024 - Theme: Our Home - Preferential Option for the Poor

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School's 60th Anniversary Celebration - Participation

D-Day 2024 - Honouring the 80th Anniversary. The whole school came together to remember D-Day - Solidarity

Year 2 - Earth Day 2024 - Stewardship and Participation

Lenten Alms - Subsidiarity - Everyone should have a say


We were very lucky to be visited by Steve from CAFOD to explain to us how our donations help support others around the world. We learnt about how CAFOD support communities by asking them what help they need to improve their lives. 


Celebration of the Word- High Priest Icon - Solidarity

During our Celebration of the Word, we reflected on the life of our former Priest Father John and the vocational call that he followed.  We listened to the Gospel and prayed for our priests, in particular our Parish Priest Father Keith and the support they must provide to the children, staff and whole school community. We used the High Priest Icon as a focus for our reflection and go forth continuing to live out our mission statement and walk in the footsteps of Jesus. Like our parish and diocesan priests. 


Year 5 - The children in year 5 looked at how our Children in Need fundraising goes to help others - Preferential Option for the Poor

Elf Day and Christmas Fayre to support The Alzheimer's Society - Human Dignity and The Common Good

Year 4 - Solidarity


During our class worship time, we learned about the current events happening in Israel and decided to write our own prayers for those who are suffering. We listened to some music and some children read their prayers with the rest of the class.

Christmas Cards for the Elderly - Human Dignity


In our meetings we have been talking about the need to look after the older members of our community who do not have family to visit them over the festive period. The children decided to create some Christmas cards to remind the older residents of the community that we do care and remember them during Advent. The cards will be delivered to our local residential home.

Faith In Action Award - Distributive Justice and Subsidiarity


The Faith in Action award rewards young people's active service to others in their local and wider community. The year 6 children decided to brighten up the world by fundraising for our global community and have planned a 'Brighten Up' non- uniform day. The non-uniform day is for all year groups on Thurs 19th October. All proceeds for our fund raising will be sent to CAFOD -Emergencies, Morroco and Pakistan. We decided to plan this fundraising day following on from Father Keiths homily, when he discussed the duty to follow our mission to help those less fortunate than ourselves and to carry out our Catholic Social Teaching.

The Common Good and Solidarity 


As part of our Faith in Action, the year six children helped to collect and packed donations for our Harvest Celebration this year, the donations were sent to Hospitality and Hope which is a local charity who run a much needed food bank.

Brighten Up For Harvest - The Common Good


To celebrate Harvest and give something to those in need, we dressed up in bright colours and donated money to CAFOD.

Brighten up - Faith In Action Assembly - Solidarity, Participation and Subsidiarity


The children in Year 6 led a Faith In Action Assembly today. They spoke to all the students in our school about how CAFOD is working with communities around the world to support people in poverty and to help others understand that every child has the right to water and education. The children talked about the need to take action to support these communities. Tomorrow it is Brighten Up day at St. Oswald's; a day to put our faith in action by raising money for those communities (Morocco and Libya) in need. The money we raise really does change lives.

Renovating the church grounds - Stewardship



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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