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Archived Spring 2024

Fantastic sticky knowledge from Malakai. He remembered last week's work on unit fractions and applied it to our lesson on equivalent fractions!

Some fantastic Maths work from Caleb! Caleb created a sequence of numbers by continually adding 10. He started at 37 and ended at 697!

Year 2 Our world, our future science workshop. The children were very excited to take part in a science workshop which used drama to highlight the issues of climate change.

Year 2 - Music - The children listened to a Javanese Gamelan which is is an orchestra of 60-plus musical instruments and tried to identify which instruments they could hear. We then compared the Javanese Gamelan to a String Orchestra.

Year 2 - Music - Year 2 were amazing in the South Tyneside Music Festival. They learnt and performed a range of songs, performed dance routines and actions and learnt how to recognise a beat. Our actors, readers and solo singers did a job brilliant Mwahhahahaha!

Year 2 - Art - Wow look at these incredible, colourful African masks. Well done Year 2!

Year 2 Art- Look at these amazing African masks the children have been making!

NSPCC Number Day. Year 2 enjoyed taking part in activities for NSPCC Number Day.

Year 2 - Computing. As part the Data and Information topic the children have been learning about pictograms. They then used an online tool to produce a pictogram on minibeasts.

Year 2 - P.E. The children have been developing ball control skills in their Feet Familiarisation lessons.



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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