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Archived Summer 2024

Year 2 - Design and Technology - Making Sandwiches

Year 2 - All about the Swinging Sixties - To celebrate the schools' 60th anniversary the children have been learning about the 1960s

Year 2 Music - The children listened to 'The Night Ferry' by Anna Clyne and created their own collage mural inspired by the music. Anna often created large mixed media murals to inspire her compositions.

PE Athletics

Computing-Information Technology. Children have been learning how to insert a shape and a symbol into a word document. They also found out how to move it, change its size and change its colour.

PE Athletics. This week we learnt about pace. This involved starting off slowly so that we would be able to finish the race.

Y1 and Y2 Visit to Safety Works. We had a fantastic morning finding out about how to stay safe in lots of different scenarios.

PE Athletics- This week, we have been running relay races which included touching the cone with different body parts.

Year 2 - Science - Materials - Investigating the suitability of different road surfaces

Computing- Information Technology. Children have been learning how to open a blank word document, type into the word document and then save it.

PE Athletics- We have been practising standing jumps this week over progressively longer targets. If we succeeded we moved onto the next one, otherwise it was back to the start!



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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