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Autumn 23-24


We have had lots of fun in nursery getting to know our new children and of course welcoming our previous children back after the summer holidays! 

We are learning the nursery routine and have enjoyed exploring the environment. We have been busy both inside and outside!


Roald Dahl Day

In nursery, as part of the school, we celebrated Roald Dahl. We shared the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 

We enjoyed making 'golden tickets', making our water area into 'a chocolate river', designing a sweet wrapper with patterns and tasting chocolate. 

Jack received a book by the author for fantastic mark making!


All About Me!

We have been learning all about ourselves this week. We were very good at identifying parts of our faces and bodies. Looking through mirrors has helped us see the colours of our eyes, hair and different features, noticing things that are the same about us and differences to. 

We have explored making faces in different ways. Paint, drawing and natural materials.

We have learned our names are very special us. Our Mam's and Dad's chose them especially for us. God told us he calls us by our name and it is special. We are beginning to learn our friends and teachers names in our nursery.

Our names are special!

Lines - Up, down, across!

This week we have explored making lines in different ways. We have made lines using scarves, chalk, blocks, paint and pens. Using large movements help us when it comes to making the marks on paper. 

Blackberry Squashing!

We explored squashing the blackberries to extract the juice! We used lots of different tools! A masher, rolling pins, garlic press, meat tenderiser and forks. We were able to squeeze out lots of juice, then we used the juice to paint with!

Families and Homes

We have looked at who lives in our homes, our family! We have talked about who else is our family, maybe nannas, grandads, aunties, uncles etc When we are at school we have our school family. 

We especially enjoyed sharing our special items or pictures from home. 

We looked at different kinds of houses then made our own using the construction bricks.

This week our story is The Selfish Crocodile.


We have celebrated Harvest festival this week in our nursery. We loved joining our friends in the reception class and key stage 1 to sing our Harvest songs and thank God for food that he has helped to grow.

International Forest School Day

We absolutely loved or first 'Forest Friday'. We all dressed in our outdoor, waterproof clothing and our wellies for forest fun!

We explored the forest area, finding Autumn treasures, splodging in mud, listening to sounds, using the garden tools etc

We made 'clay faces' - Squeezing and squashing the clay into a face shape. It was quite hard as the clay is a lot firmer than the playdough we are used to! Then we found natural materials from the forest to create facial features.

Lots of us helped to chop our vegetables into small pieces for our vegetable soup that warmed us up outside. 

Autumn - We have looked at how our environment is changing in the new season. We have looked at how the trees are changing in our forest, we have noticed the different colours of leaves and have found lots of Autumn treasures on the ground which we have used in the nursery.

Story of the Week - The Little Red Hen

We can't believe how quickly our first half term has gone! It has been a busy 7 weeks in our nursery and we are thrilled how everyone has settled into the nursery routine. We have had lots of fun and have learned so many new things! Hope you all have a lovely half term with your families and we look forward to seeing you in a weeks time.



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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