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Archive Autumn Term 2023

Welcome to Year 1!

Settling into Year 1 - We have had an excellent first few weeks in Year 1. We have been getting to know about our classroom during a scavenger hunt, we have been sharing all about our families and getting to know the new routines in Year 1. We have made a superb start!

Maths! Maths! Maths! - We have been doing lots of work with numbers to 10. We have been counting, ordering, representing using objects and using a variety of resources. We have been using lots of Numicon to explore making Numicon cities, using tweezers and pom poms and other concrete objects.

Space Explorers! - This half term in Science we have been learning about Space. We have been learning all about the solar system, astronauts and what is in space. We have been very creative by building rockets, creating planets on the iPads and painting space pictures.

DT Moving Pictures - We have been starting our DT topic by exploring moving pictures mechanisms in story books. We enjoyed looking at these books together in groups and finding the different types of moving pictures such as; sliders, levers, flaps, pop up and wheel mechanisms.



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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