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Mini Vinnies 2023-24

The St. Vincent de Paul Society


The St. Vincent de Paul Society was founded in 1839 by a 19 year old Catholic student called Fredric Ozanam. The society is dedicated to helping those in poverty and need by providing practical assistance, irrespective of faith, ethnicity or gender. 

St Vincent de Paul was a priest who dedicated himself to serve the poor. He spent his life helping those in need and was known for his compassion, humility and generosity. Vincent's life is a great reminder for us all, to find ways to help those around us.

Our Mini Vinnies for 2023-24

Lets all welcome our new Mini Vinnies for the coming year.


We were visited by Mr Harbinson who is a representative of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. He talked to the children about their role over the next year and also about the Mini Vinnie family. Mr Harbinson told us all about the history of the society, this really helped us to understand its beginnings and vision. It was a wonderful introduction to our very important role in St. Oswald school. As Mr Harbinson said "We are all brothers and sisters together."

Mini Vinnie Commissioning Service

Our Mini Vinnies were comissioned into their roles during our school assembly this morning. They made a pledge to make a difference over the next year. At this ceremony the children are welcomed into our group and recognised for wanting to make a difference. I'm sure these wonderful children will do just that.


Our Mini Vinnie Pledge

As a member of the Mini Vinnies, I promise to make a difference by:

Caring for, respecting and loving myself.

Strenthening my friendship with Jesus by talking to him each day and talking to other about him.

Caring for others in my school and community by being a friend to those who are alone, in need or in trouble.

Making my family happy by my help, respect and showing kindness and consideration.

Caring for and enjoying God's world.

Treating others the way I would like them to treat me.

St. Vincent de Paul Feast Day

Today is the feast day of St. Vincent de Paul; we gathered in the hall to talk about this important saint. The children were interested to find out all about St. Vincent's life and how even today we can carry out his mission. The Mini Vinnies told all of our children how they are carrying out this mission and beliefs. 

Mcmillian Coffee Morning

The Mini Vinnies ran a very successful coffee morning today. The children helped to serve parents and guardians a lovely cup of tea or coffee and chose a cake to enjoy. The monies raised will be sent to Macmillan Cancer Support.

Well done all our Mini Vinnies and thank you to all our parents/carers, we raised £112.30. All monies will be sent to Mcmillian Cancer Support.

Harvest 2023

Our Mini Vinnies and Cafod Club helped to collect all of the wonderful donations sent in this year for our Harvest festival. The donations recieved were packed and sent to Hospitality and Hope which is a local charity which supports the homeless and vunerable people, it also operates a much needed foodbank.

Christmas Cards for the Elderly

The Mini Vinnies came together today to make Christmas cards for the older people in our community who may not receive visitors over the Christmas period. The children felt it is inportant to remember those whose families may be unable to visit them this year. We talked about how we can follow our Catholic Social Teaching to live out the values of kindness and thoughtfulness by remembering others who may feel lonely during Christmas.

Decorating Our School Christmas Tree

Our Mini Vinnies decorated our school Christmas tree. I'm sure you will agree it looks very festive, well done Mini Vinnies!

Mini Vinnies Healthy Tuck Shop

The Mini Vinnies met last week to discuss running a healthy tuck shop. The children decided to raise money for Hospitality and Hope which is a local charity which supports families with food poverty due to the cost of living crisis. Here are some pictures of the children planning our tuck shop.

We raised an amazing £54.16 for Hospitality and Hope. Well done to all of the Mini Vinnies for your hard work.

We received a thank you card from all the volunteers at Hospitality and Hope.

Planting in the Prayer Garden

Due to the recent weather conditions we have been unable to access the prayer garden but with a more recent drier climate, the Mini Vinnies have been working hard to clean up and plant flowers to enable all our classes to enjoy our garden. We hope that this peaceful space will be used for reflection and prayer during the summer term. 



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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