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Daily Routine

9.00am  Greeting Time 12.45pm

(in our own colour groups)

9.10am  Small Group Time  12.55pm


9.40am  Planning Time  1.25pm


9.55am  Work Time  1.40pm


10.55am  Tidy Up Time  2.35pm


11.05am  Circle Time  2.45pm


11.25am  Goodbye Time  3.10pm

(in our own colour groups)

11.30am  Doors Open  3.15pm

 GREETING TIME - The children are brought in from the cloakroom area by their parents into their child's colour group. Blue Group(Right hand room), Green Group(Left hand room). They are greeted by their key worker. The children take part in self registration using their name card. 'Special Helpers' are chosen who lead the 'Good Morning/Afternoon Song' and 'Our School Prayer'. 

SMALL GROUP TIME - Adult initiated time. The staff plan and carry out activities based on the children's interests or skills that staff have identified may be needed during child initiated learning. The children stay with their key worker and their colour group peers for this part of the session.


PLANNING TIME - The children choose the area or activity that they would like to initially work in or do. They may base this decision on a 'Big Idea' (from other children's ideas) or from a Small Group Time idea. 


WORK TIME - Child Initiated Time. The staff support the children with their learning during this time. This includes observing the children in their play, extending their ideas, encouraging working with others and developing the children's interests and ideas.


TIDY UP TIME - We ring the inside/outside bell to indicate that it is time to "stop playing and tidy up". Using photographs showing where the equipment belongs the children are encouraged to tidy the equipment away independently. The children then sit down together in the large carpeted area until all the nursery areas are tidy.


RHYME/SONG TIME - This is a very active time in the nursery session with lots of singing, dancing and moving. Each week the staff choose 3/4 different songs or rhymes that we learn throughout the week. These may be based on current topics, interests or musical techniques.


 PHONIC TIME - The children go back to their colour group area where we take part in a small group phonic session based on the Phase 1 phonic curriculum. 


 STORY TIME - The children take turns to choose a story from our special story bag. This is a bag filled with 5 chosen stories that are shared in a small group. The books can be topic related, author related, rhyming stories, traditional tales and will include both fact and fiction texts. Sharing stories is a very important part of our nursery ethos and we give the children the opportunity to look at books and share them with each other throughout the session.


HOME TIME - The children are encouraged to put on their own coats etc They collect their belongings from their individual trays and then wait in the cloakroom with the staff and they will be called by the staff to greet their grown ups outside. 



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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