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Cafod Big Lent Walk

We did it!


We took part in the CAFOD Big Lent Walk. A walking target of 400km.... smashed it!

Fundraising is still on going, so will update after the Easter Break.


The children and staff had a brilliant morning walking around our school, the weather wasn't great but it didn't dampen our moods. 


Thank you so much to our generous school community. You are all fabulous!



Lent - We were very lucky to be visited by Steve from CAFOD to explain to us how our donations help support others around the world.

Celebration of the word - Family Fast Day (20.02.2024)

During Year 4s Celebration of the word we learnt about Family Fast Day.


Our CAFOD Representatives and Year 4 watched a video about James who lives in a poor coastal suburb of Monrovia, Liberia.


James told us that when his family had no food, he faced a terrible choice: stay home and stay hungry or put everything on the line to go out onto the water in his small canoe. Five fishermen a month – many he called ‘brothers’ – were dying in storms at sea. Just like him, they couldn’t afford the life jackets, compasses, and other equipment they needed to stay safe at sea and get a good catch.


We found out that thanks to support from schools like ours, James now has the equipment he needs to fish safely and sustainably – a compass, life jacket and a GPS tracking system – to find good fishing spots and return home safely.


On Friday 23rd February we are going to help those who are participating in Family Fast Day and join in by eating simply and giving what we can.


By donating to our Big Lent Walk fund we are helping families like James’.

Big Lent Walk (14.02.2024 - 30.03.2024)

This Lent our school is joining other schools around the country in the Big Lent Walk, raising money to help CAFOD fight poverty around the world.

The Big Lent Walk is a 200km walk completed during school time within the 40 days of Lent. Lent starts during half term on Wednesday 14th February and runs until March 30th.

We have our Just Giving page set up ready to go, so please make a donation to spur us on if you can.

Click on the link below to visit it-


Any donation big or small will be greatly appreciated.

Harvest Collection


Around the world, one in three people have gone hungry in the last year. This Harvest, St Oswald’s wanted to support those in need and we collected food items for Hope and Hospitality. 


CAFOD Club and Mini Vinnies packed up the HUGE collection and handed over our collection to Hope and Hospitality on Friday 13th October 2023.

Brighten Up Fund Raiser

This Harvest, we helped to brighten up the world by fundraising for our global family. We had a 'Brighten Up' non uniform day on the last day of term.  For a small donation all pupils came in wearing their brightest outfit and they definitely brightened up our final day of the Autumn Term.


We collected £142.80.


All proceeds were donated to CAFOD Emergencies - who will send help to those affected by the earthquake in Morocco, the floods in Pakistan and the world food crisis.

Cafod- Big Lent Walk

St. Oswalds are taking part in the Big Lent Walk challenge this year. Over 40 days we will be walking to raise money to help people to overcome poverty. Here are the year 6 taking on the challenge.



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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