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Catholic Life and Mission

‘When Jesus is asked which is the greatest commandment, the answer is the same in all three of the Gospels in which the question is asked: to love God with all your mind, heart, soul and strength, and to love your neighbour as yourself. This call to love is at the heart of the educational mission of every Catholic school.  Its first purpose is to ensure that all pupils understand the faith that gives the school its identity as a Catholic school. The second, is to ensure that all are invited to learn how to worship God in spirit and truth through the prayer and liturgy of the Church. The third, is the formation of all to live in conformity with the pattern of human goodness, truth and justice that we find in Jesus Christ. 

Why is St Oswald Our School's Patron Saint?


We inspire to be like St Oswald. 

  • committed to God and the Gospel Values
  • generous
  • caring
  • brave
  • determined
  • selfless


Who was St Oswald?


St. Oswald was born into a royal family. Due to much fighting between kingdoms, St. Oswald was sent to live with monks on island of Iona as a child. Here he was safe and was able to be educated and grow in faith. Many years later, St. Oswald became King of what we now know as Northumberland and tried to spread the Good News of Jesus throughout his kingdom. He was describes as being a ‘saintly king’.


St. Oswald knew he needed help to spread Christianity, so he invited St. Cuthbert to join his journey spreading the Good News on the Holy island of Lindisfarne. When he was back in his kingdom, St. Oswald lived out the Gospel values by looking after the poor and gave food and silver to the poor who knocked at his door.


As a king in the Middle Ages, St. Oswald had to fight many battles to protect his kingdom. During each battle, St. Oswald carried a cross to show he was fighting for Christianity. St. Oswald died in battle defending his Christian Kingdom and is remembered still as a King and Martyr.


St. Oswald is the patron saint of soldiers. He always took a cross into battle with him and prayed at the foot of the cross to ask God to protect him and his soldiers. In our daily life, we also take inspiration from St. Oswald and pray at the cross during Collective Worship

Year 6 Carol Service at St. Oswald's RC Church

This Advent season, we created a new tradition and opportunity to celebrate with our parish community. As a result, Year 6 led us in song and prayer, as we celebrated their last Christmas in Primary School in a new and significant way.


The Year 6 children led a Carol Service, at St. Oswald’s Church on Monday 9th December at 5.30pm.


Members of school and parish joined together for this special event.

St Oswald's Celebration Day 2024


Year 5 - Comparing St Oswald with other significant saints

As part of St Oswald's Celebration Day, Year 5 compared St Oswald with St Maximilian Kolbe and St Mother Teresa. We thought about significant things that they did in their lives and then thought about their own individual qualities. We linked the Catholic Social Teaching values to each saint and discussed how they are like Jesus and living out their mission. Finally, we discussed how each saint was similar. 


Year 3 - An acrostic poem about St. Oswald

In Year 3, we learned all about what St. Oswald had done throughout his life. We talked about why he was such an important figure, and discussed why our school is named after him. We then wrote our own acrostic poems about St. Oswald and how important he was in the spreading of Christianity.


In Nursery we learned about how brave St Oswald was and how important he was in spreading the news of God.  We decorated crosses to celebrate him and we went to our school prayer garden where we said a prayers asking him to help us to be brave and try our best.

Year 2

The children in Year 2 learnt about St Oswald's life and decorated a sword to celebrate his bravery and how he fought to bring Christianity to Northumberland.

Catholic Life and Mission Policy

Celebrating The Year of Prayer 2024

Celebrating 60 years of praying together and walking in the footsteps of Jesus

Praying the Rosary At Home

Hail Queen of Heaven

Well done to Scarlett and Callum for leading an end of term Celebration of the Word for the Central Team at Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust

Liturgical Year 2024-2025

Parent's Letter Autumn 2024



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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