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Family Celebration of the Word 2023-2024

Year 3 Palm Sunday Celebration of the Word


Year 3 welcomed their families to share a prayerful time thinking about when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday (Mark 11:1-10).  We thought about how we will welcome Jesus into our lives during Holy Week and beyond.  We throroughly enjoyed making our own Palm Crosses to take away to help us welcome Jesus into our homes.


Parents comments


'It was a beautiful reminder of Easter's important message.  We will show love and kindness over Eastertime'

'It was great to share this celebration with our children in school.  We will remember the love we all share and be kind.'

'This was a lovely opportunity to reflect on how we can welcome Jesus into our lives.  We will be attending Mass on Easter Saturday and spending time as a family.'

Year 5 Family Celebration of the Word


Year 5 planned and delivered a beautiful and reflective celebration of the word for their families this week. First, they gathered around the dressed focal point and thought about the memories which they share and how they are kept alive. Next, they shared the gospel from Luke 22: 14-20 which shared the story of The Last Supper. We reflected in silence about how we can remember Jesus during Lent. We responded to the gospel by thinking of ways in which we can live like Jesus and remember him in our own lives. We ended our celebration of the word by sharing our own prayers and lent promises. 


Parent Quotes: 


'It was a nice reflective session where the children all prayed together. It gave me time to pause and reflect and think about what I am going to do during Lent'


'It gave me time to reflect and think about how we can be kinder in our world. During Lent, I will give back to others and live like Jesus'

Year 4 Family Celebration of the Word.

Year 4 invited their parents and carers in to celebrate the second Sunday of Lent. We listened to a reading from Mark 9: 2-10 and asked everyone to go forth by thinking how we can listen to God and each other by becoming aware of the things around us and by taking the time to listen.


Parent Comments

"The words spoken by the children were very touching. It's always wonderful to see the children during class worship."


"It made me feel closer to God."


"It was lovely to hear the children's prayers."

Year 2 Family Liturgical Prayer


“Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian, twin brothers who embraced Christianity and practised medicine and surgery without charging their patients a fee. At that time most doctors charged money for medical services. Their kindness and selflessness brought many followers to the Christian faith. “


“They were arrested because of their faith in God. St Cosmas and Saint Damian were told they could go free if they turned away from God. However, they stayed true to their beliefs and faced the same fate as Jesus. They are called Martyrs by the Catholic church.”




Year 3 planned and delivered their own liturgical prayer. We talked about how Jesus will always be there to help us and some children shared their own prayers thanking Jesus. We invited our families in to take part in our liturgical prayer.

Year 4

Our parents and carers were welcomed into year 4 to join us during our class liturgical prayer based on Memories. We planned the prayer together as a class and created our own liturgical dance to our hymn at the end. We added our own prayers and discussed what we could have on our focal point that was linked to the Word. It was a very respectful and peaceful time of prayer and we are extremely grateful for all of those that shared this special time with us.

Y5 led a beautiful liturgical prayer for their families. We gathered around the focal point and listened to quiet music. We did various breathing exercises to help us focus and find peace. Next, we shared the word. We listened to our gospel reading which explained The Greatest Commandment. We then responded to the gospel by singing 'Love the Lord your God' and sharing our own prayers. We ended our liturgical prayer by giving a bookmark to each other and by singing an appropriate hymn - All that I am.

Key Stage 1 led a beautiful liturgical prayer for their families based on the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul. We listened to a reading from the Acts of the Apostles, shared our own ideas of how we can be missionaries and finished our liturgical prayer with the hymn, 'God's Love Is...' We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all of our families who came to support us and join us in our time of prayer.

Our Reception class liturgical prayer was about the importance of friendships.  The children spent a long time thinking about what makes a good friend and what can cause problems with friendships.  Jesus taught us to love one another through his friendships with his disciples.  

Thank you to our parents and carers who came to pray with us.



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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