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Summer 23-24

This week we welcome 3 new children to our nursery. Clarissa, Everly and Harper.

The Three Little Pigs

Our focus story for the next three weeks will be the story of The Three Little Pigs. We have already shared the story and used our story props to act out and retell it again. We love how lots of us make a great 'Big Bad Wolf' voice! 

We have made houses to use to act out the story using straw, sticks and bricks! 

Our homework this week is to look at our own houses and to look at what our houses are made from. You might see different shapes of windows and doors, see if you can see what number your house is. If you're out and about see if you can see different types of houses.

Who Lives in a House Like This?

Our group times, this week, have been based on houses. We shared our homework and you told us lots of things about your own houses. Then we looked at different types of houses - detached, cottage, caravan, flats, bungalows and lodges. In our crafty corner we used the junk modelling boxes to make a house, looking at windows, doors, roof and chimney's. 

We have talked about the different parts of a house and the materials used to build them. 

Look around your own house! What materials are things made from?

Wood? Plastic? Glass? Metal? Fabric? Ceramic? 

Our Forest Friday materials walk. We looked around our school and looked at what things were made from.

We have been very excited in the nursery this week because the men cutting the grass had to stop! They had noticed a hedgehog! He picked it up to show us, we could see its spiky prickles and its little nose! He has told us how to take care of it. Today we looked for it again but Mrs Raine thinks we were a little bit to noisy and it might have been scared! But this afternoon when only Kythen and Jack were in the forest they were very excited to find it again. It had been hiding under the hut. We googled if hedgehogs like worms and we very happy to find that they did because Amelia had been collecting worms all afternoon from our digging pit, so we have left some food, water and worms for it to eat. We are hoping to see it again.

Following our exciting hedgehog find we have been very interested in learning about hedgehogs! We have found out some very interesting facts about them - A group of hedgehogs is called 'a prickle'. A baby hedgehog is called 'a hoglet'. Hedgehogs eat beetles, worms and slugs! They have spines on their heads, sides and back. They roll into a ball to protect themselves when they are scared! On Forest Friday we used clay and other materials to make our own hedgehog!

Old Macdonald had a Farm

We have been learning about amazing farm animals this week. Which animals might live on a farm, where they live and what they might live in - barn, cow shed, chicken coop, stable, pond and pig sty. 

We worked together as a team to create a huge farm in our nursery using our construction equipment and our small world equipment. Our teachers were very impressed at our ideas and the fabulous language used while we were building it. We learned cooperative and social interactions, communication skills, problem solving, maths, expressive arts and design and understanding the world.

Still using our book The 3 little Pigs as a prompt we learned about tools. We used real tools using them safely. We talked about what they were called and what their purpose was. We were great!

Farm Animal Fun!

Following on from last week we have explored 'Animals and their babies', learning the different names the baby farm animals are called. We all thought it was funny the a baby goat was "a kid", because lots of us said that's what children sometimes get called!

We have made our own farm, putting the animals in their correct environment while practicing our scissor skills.

It is important to use different genres of books, so we explored non fiction books to find out more facts about animals. We loved looking at the real animals in the pictures.

Best of all, on Forest Friday we made our own animal biscuits. We followed a recipe, found all the ingredients and made a biscuit dough. We chose our own animal cutter. We ate them outside as part of snack time.

Farmer Duck 

Our focus book has been the story about a poor duck who had the bad luck to work for a very lazy farmer. We have  shared the story and acted it. We were great at shouting out the farmer's phrase "How goes the work?"

Forest Friday - 'Sunset Art'

We have been learning about sun safety this week. How to stay safe in the sun.

"You need to drink water to stay hydrated." - Ollie

"My Mam puts sun cream on me." - Elijah

"I wear my best hat." - Roman W

We have looked at hot and cold things and warm and cold colours. 

Red, orange, pink and yellow are warm colours just like a sunset! 

We continued exploring colour mixing by painting each hand a different colour then rubbing them together to reveal a new colour! What a surprise we got!




As part of our amazing animals topic we have been learning all about minibeasts. We have sorted into different kinds of them - wings/no wings, legs/no legs.

We have looked closely at ladybirds, worms, spiders and snails!

On Forest Friday we went on our minibeast hunt. We took our clipboards out and marked on it when we found one. We have loved looking for them in our forest, we found 'hundreds and thousands' of spiders! Because we found lots of snails we decided to have our very own 'snail race'! We watched how the snails moved and could see their snail trail on the black paper. One even slithered the wrong way and slid onto Amelia's hand!



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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