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Archived Autumn 2023-24

History - Romans

Intente! That means 'Stand to attention'. We made some Roman shields as a homework project and practiced some different army formations. It was lots of fun. Mrs Price was like a proper Roman centurion. Luckily we didn't face any tough punishments.

Science -Teeth

Our teeth should always be well looked after. Weve been learning how to do this as well as the different types of teeth we have and what each of there jobs are. We also compared our teeth with animal teeth depending on the food they eat.


Children in Need/Anti Bullying Week

Bullying vs Banter and knowing the difference.


PE - Gymnastics

Collective Worship - Class Celebration of the Word

Discovery Zoo

We have been learning lots about animals, their diets and their teeth in Science so we invited the Discovery Zoo in to extend our learning about the different types of animals and the foods they eat.

Maths - Place Value

We have been working hard to learn the place value of numbers up to 10,000. It is so important that we have an understanding of this so we can build on our knowledge to allow us to carry out more complex Maths activities.

Column addition with no exchange. We practiced on our whiteboards first so we could perfect the layout ready for our books. So many mistakes can be made if we get the numbers in the wrong place.


We have been exploring adverbials and learning how an adverbial can tell us where, how or when something happened and can also be placed either before or after the main clause.

Reading and understanding unfamiliar words.

Today we read through a chapter from our class text, How To Train Your Dragon. When we came across an unfamiliar word, we used the dictionary to find out the true meaning. We hope to use some of these new words in our future writing.


We have been learning how to classify animals. This is something we needed to know before learning to read and create classification keys.


We went on a fact finding treasure hunt as part of our French lesson. We had to read the statements in French and gather information (name, age and birthday) about each family member.



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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