Year 6 Celebration of the Word- St. John the Baptist
Today we gathered together to reflect upon the life of St. John the Baptist. We listened to the gospel which told us all about how John, who heard God's call and followed. The children in year 6 said prayers which asked for encouragement and inspiration to do the same.
Computing- Spreadsheets
Year 6 Homework Club
Our very successful and popular homework club has now began in year 6. The level of concentration from the children even after school has been amazing, what a great start to get ourselves ready for the upcoming SAT's
Year 6 Number Day NSPCC
Year 6 are putting their faith into action by raising money for the NSPCC in school. All children in school will be asked to dress up as a number or wear a number. Over the course of the special day, they will have special maths lessons and engage in lots of times table games.
The year six children helped the school raise a total of £125.34. Well done for putting your faith into action!
RE- Ligturical Dance
The children in year 6 worked together to develop a liturgical dance showing that Jesus brings together many different people with different gifts. The year six children focused on the lyrics of the song to understand its meaning then thought of movements to explain them. They really enjoyed this experience as they were able to reflect upon how to achieve togetherness and being as one.
Class Celebration of the Word-6/2/24
Today we celebrated the life of Carlos Actis who is an example for all young people today. He was an ordinary child who truly believed in the importance of receiving the eucharist. He believed that if people knew that Jesus was truly in the eucharist they would turn to God. The children listen to the Gospel of Mark 22-26 and respond to it by performing a mantra and reflecting on how we can please God, just as Carlos did. We ended our celebration by singing A New Commandment.
Father Keith
Father Keith visited our year six class today. We always really enjoy his visits the children especially love his words of wisdom and his wonderful sense of humour.
Science Expriment - Microbes
Year 6 have been investigating microorganisms, we used glitter paricles to represent them and carried out an investigation to decide which type of soap would most effectively remove it from our hands. Firstly the children predicted which soap they believe would be most effective then thought about the factors they could change and measure. After washing hands the children had to then count the particles left on their hands and wrote the results in a table. What an interesting experiment to carry out!
Sakespeare's Macbeth
We performed a section of Mcbeth; the 3 witches. The children performed using loud clear voices and they tried very hard to speak using Tudor English. The mime added to the performance and they acted out throwing the ingredients into the cauldron. Fanastic acting Year 6!
Our new topic this term in our science lessons is Light. During our lesson today we investigated how light travels, we tested four different materials to understand that light can be transmitted, absorbed and reflected. The children then used science models to explain what happens when light hits an object.
St. Oswalds are taking part in the Big Lent Walk challenge this year. Over 40 days we will be walking to raise money to help people to overcome poverty. Here are the year 6 taking on the challenge.
Lenten Prayer Bags
Each day during Lent the children will be taking home our class Lenten Family Prayer Bag. Each bag contains a Easter story book retelling the Easter story, a holding cross and a Easter Mystery Respond Book. The children are encourage to carry out activities such as describing how you can share Easter joy and hope with others or to describe how we can follow in Jesus' footsteps. We hope that the Easter Family Prayer ideas fill you with hope and happiness as we draw close to the risen Jesus.
Science -Light
We enjoyed a very enjoyable lesson today in science. We investigated how the eye helps us to see and how light travels into the eye from a light source or reflected light. We also used playdough to make an eye and labelled the different parts of the eye. Lastly, we described our findings in our science books using complex scientific vocabulary.
World Book Day
Stations of the Cross
“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”
John 10:10