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School Uniform

Our pupils are proud to belong to St Oswald’s School community. Wearing school uniform gives children a sense of identity and an understanding that they come to school to work and that certain standards are expected. Our pupils take part in many out of school activities and represent the school on many occasions within the Local Authority and beyond. As ambassadors for St Oswald’s they need to wear our school uniform with pride. The uniform is intended to be smart, practical and economical. Please label all uniform and coats with your child’s name.


Branded school uniform can be purchased from, and plain options are available from all major supermarket brands.

If you are struggling with the cost of school uniform, please contact the school office as we may be able to help.

School Uniform

  • Grey skirt/pinafore or trousers
  • Royal blue sweatshirt (with or without school badge)
  • White polo shirt
  • Blue and white dress
  • Black school shoes/plain black trainers


PE Kit 

  • White polo shirt
  • Navy/Black shorts
  • Trainers or Plimsoles
  • Pupils can bring in black/blue tracksuits for use during the winter (no logos or stripes)


In the interest of safety jewellery must not be worn in school at anytime. We encourage the children to have appropriate hair styles for school, therefore tramlines in hair, shaven haircuts or dyed hair is not permitted. Make up is not permitted in school, including nail varnish, transfer tattoos etc.




“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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