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Autumn Term 1


We welcome back the children who have previously been with us, they were very happy to see us and told us all about what they got up to in the holidays. We are very proud how they have welcomed and helped our new starters settle in. 

Ours new starters have completed their first full week now! They have all settled into the nursery routine and have enjoyed exploring and learning about all of the nursery areas. 


We are very excited to be taking part in yoga sessions as part of the whole school's 'Well being Wednesday's' when each week we will be looking at the importance of mental health, well being, mindfulness, healthy eating, hygiene, exercises and keeping safe.

Vanathi, our yoga teacher, introduced us to 'Tatty Bumpkin' who helps us with our yoga positions and breathing techniques through stories and songs. We loved it. 

Our First Forest Friday

We were very excited to work in our forest for the first time this year. We learned what we could do in the forest and checked it was safe to play in after our long Summer holidays. Miss Porter cut back long, spikey branches and Mrs Raine tidied the flower pots. We explored the paths in the trees, collected and used sticks to make sounds, found acorns under the oak tree and counted them.



Our Families and Ourselves

This week we shared our homework with our friends, telling them all about who lives in their houses. Some of us had 3 people, some had 6! We talked about brothers and sisters and if they were bigger or smaller than us. We noticed that some families were they same as our own and some were different. 

We also spent time looking at ourselves. Using mirrors to see our faces and also our friends looking at us to tell us our eye colour or hair colour. 

"I have yellow hair, it's called blonde." Leo B

"I have blonde hair to but mine is long and Leo's is short." Evie 

"My eyes are a bit green and a bit brown." Florence

We used the ipad to take a photo of our faces then used them to paint them. 


Forest Friday - Autumn

We have noticed our forest has begun to change. We looked at the leaves on the trees and noticed some are beginning to change colour. Before we went in the forest we learned about autumn colours - green, yellow, orange, red and brown!

We used a colour chart to find the colour of the leaves on it.

Then we used shaving foam and paint to create our own 'giant leaf' which we will use to create an Autumn forest inside our nursery!

Peace at Last - Jill Murphy

We have really enjoyed developing a greater understanding of our focus book. We have learned all about the different sounds Mr Bear heard that stopped him falling asleep! 

"Oh no, I can't stand this......."

We have sequenced the story using the sounds, thinking about where Mr Bear heard them. Painted representations of the story. Learned about day/night. Been on our own sound walk around school with our big listening ears on!

See if your listening ears work at home and listen for sounds in each room of your house.


Forest Friday - Leaf crowns

This week we collected Autumn coloured leaves to make a leaf crown. We were great at describing the leaves we found.

"This one is bumpy." - Evie

"This one has a bit of green and a bit of yellow." - Leo B

"Look at this really long one!" - Libby

"This one is red and this one is orange." - Ivy

"This one is still just green." - Kobie

In our crafty corner we used broccoli to print Autumn colours onto a tree.

We used our big gardening tools to collect the grass that had been cut!



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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