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Autumn Term 2024

Our amazing actors and narrators in the Wriggly Nativity! We are so proud of their hard work and two amazing performances!

Today we popped all of our letters in an envelope and posted our letters to Santa! We are hoping he might send a letter back to us before Christmas!

Today we had a special package in our classroom when we came into school! We went around our circle and guessed what we thought might be inside. When we opened our parcel we found two glitter boxes and inside was an elf! The elf sent us a letter. His name is Pip and he has come to see good listeners, hard workers and kind reception children. Each day Pip will set us a task to complete. Our first task is to write our letters to Santa!

As Sunday was the First Sunday of advent we changed our focal point today to a purple cloth. We talked about how Advent means waiting and we are waiting for the birth of Jesus. We added a Christmas story and our won home made Advent Wreath.

To finish off our Goldilocks and the Three Bears topic we made and tasted some porridge! We could choose banana, chocolate chips or jam to go on top. There was lots of clean bowls at the end!

Identifying and sorting circles and triangles!

On Monday when we came into school someone had broken into our home corner! We could see porridge oats everywhere and the 3 Bears sitting on the floor! We used our detective skills and think ikt might have been Goldilocks! We then made some Wanted Posters to help find Goldilocks!

Today we have been looking around school for circles and triangles! We took the iPads with us and we had to take as many photos as we could of circles and triangles.

Children in Need Day! The children enjoyed lots of Pudsey themed activities. Thank you for your generous donations!

Part Whole Models to make different numbers!

Remeberance Day. Throughout the week we made some lovely poppy artwork and pictures to display in our focal point. We had a class Celebration of the Word and remembered Soldiers from the past and Soldiers now. We then made our own poppy biscuits.

Thank you for attending our Phonics Café! Slides from the PowerPoint can be found in the Reception Curriculum page.

This week we spent a lot of time making fireworks! We were learning about fireworks linked to bonfire night and Diwali! We thought about how to stay safe around fireworks too!

Making our Pumpkin Soup! We made sure to wash our hands before touching our ingredients. We also had to be very careful when using the knives and potato peelers. Lots of us loved the taste of the soup!

Thank you to all of our families who attended our EYFS Curriculum Cafe. It was great to see so many of you here enjoying learning with your children!

Black History Month. As part of Black History Month we are learning about an artist called Alma Thomas. We talked about her life and her achievements and then we looked at some of her art. We then created our own artwork inspired by Alma's!

Visiting our Book Fair this week!

This week we had a letter from Duck! He said there was a fairy garden under the tree at school! For Welly Wedensday this week we had to make a 'leaf kebab' for the fairies! We carefully added our leaves to our sticks and left them for the fairies.

Today we had a visit from our School Nurses. They reminded us about the importance of washing our hands, how to protect ourselves from germs, keeping a healthy and balanced diet and brushing our teeth!

Phonics! We built a new word pot today! Great job Reception.

Week 2 of our pumpkin Soup story! We know our story and story map actions so well now we were able to sequence the story ourselves! We made our own pumpkin soup and pumpkin coffee at the pumpkin cafe! We enjoyed exploring the different parts of the pumpkin in our investigation area and we made playdough pumpkins and Autumn trees!

Autumn repeating patterns today in maths!

The children worked so hard today together as a team to build their own house!

Pumpkin Maths! This week we have been talking about measure and patterns in maths! We ordered our pumpkins from biggest to smallest, we weighed our autumn treasures to see which was the heaviest and which was the lightest. We compared capacity in our water tray thinking about who had the most 'pumpkin soup' in their container, could we fill it all the way to the top or just half way? We then made some lovely Autumn patterns in our groups! Fantastic maths Reception!

Some of our provision linked to our new story Pumpkin Soup!

Sharing our Autumn treasures with our friends! We collected all our treasures together and they completed a sorting job for our new Autumn Kitchen! We love exploring and playing here!

Sorting by colour, size and objects in maths this week!

My happy mind! This week we talked about how our brain helps us to stay happy and calm. We then talked about the zones of regulations and reminded ourselves we want to stay in the green zone so we are happy and ready to learn! We then talked about what we could do to get back to the green zone! The children came up with some great ideas such as 'go to the calm corner, choose a teddy to hold and play with a friend.'

More learning linked to the Little Red Hen this week!

More self portraits this week! We have been thinking really carefully about our body parts and matching them to our drawings and paintings!

Thinking about what our brains do on Wellbeing Wednesday this week in our 'My Happy Mind' lesson 1!

We vote for our story during snack time each day! We love sitting down for our milk and snack!

We LOVED making marks, forming letters and writing our names in the shaving foam this week!

We are really enjoying our new story 'The Little Red Hen'!

Working on our matching skills in maths this week!

Our first phonics lesson: building and writing words! WOW!

Today we were thinking about staying safe on our way to and from school. We thought about how to stay safe crossing roads and getting in and out of the car and staying safe in the car. We know we must stay with an adult, look both ways and wear our seatbelt!

Our first Welly Wednesday! Collecting natural resources to create some of our own self portraits!

Sharing pictures of our families! We talked about who they were and what each family member was called.

Our first Little Movers PE lesson! We loved it!

Dough Disco and Pen Disco! This helps to warm up our fingers to make our marks!



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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