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Stations of the Cross 2024

Reception Stations of the Cross. We spent some time listening to some quiet music and thinking about Jesus.

Year 5 Stations of the Cross


'The stations of the of the cross helped me to remember the story of Easter. I thought about how hard it must have been for Jesus. During Lent, I will reflect on how tough it was for Jesus and remember the pain he went through so that we could live freely' - Isla


'The stations helped me to pause and reflect and be peaceful. It gave me the opportunity to remember when Jesus died for our sins. During Lent, I will give up my time to help others and remember the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made' - Mason

Nursery Stations of the Cross



Year 2 - Stations of the Cross

Year 4 - Stations of the Cross

Year 5 - Stations of the Cross


Throughout Lent, Year 5 went through the Stations of the Cross. At each station, we reflected and thought about what Jesus had gone through during his final days on Earth. 

Year 6-Stations of the Cross

During the period of Lent the children in year 6 have been following the stations of the cross. The station depict Jesus' passion in his final days on earth. As we follow the stations we pray together and remember that Jesus died for us to save our sins.



“We walk in the footsteps of Jesus so that we may have life in all its fullness”

John 10:10

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